Exactly what you need to do to give your mind a boost and prepare for labor.

Make sure you connect with your unborn baby and are in tune with yourself with clear, easy to follow relaxation and natural labor techniques, curated positive birth stories, plus my personal after birth care plan so you are ready.

When pregnancy is full of unknowns

it's easier to think about what could go wrong than how to shift your feelings.

  • Am I nervous (Insert panic attack/mental breakdown) about all the changes?

  • Do emotional waves come as quick as they go when I think about what it means to grow a baby?

  • Does reading more about the c-word and epidural mishaps terrify me even more?

  • Do I find myself up late worrying (and often crying) about nothing and everything all at once?

  • Can I handle the “pain” that comes with natural labor (or any labor)?

And yet..

It's in times of uncertainty and fear that we need connection the most.

When nervousness starts weighing us down and the doubt so big that we wonder if we will even give birth...
Prenatal Yoga Toddler

...that’s when we need clear, confident voices showing up to guide and remind us that yes, there is beauty in this. And yes, there is hope in this.

Confident before Birth

Rachael Walker

"I was very nervous going in, but felt completely confident leaving. She is an amazing teacher. She has a contagious smile that lights up the whole room. Her son Gunnar was just a tiny thing at the time! She even involved him which made it that much more fun. I'm grateful for her help, especially leading up to my early induction. Learning breathing techniques, staying flexible, and getting stronger prior to labor is SO important! I'm a firm believer it helped me to heal and have a quick recovery afterward. I would highly recommend checking it out!"

And the amazing thing about focusing on your mind now?

Your outlook will positively impact your baby before you even give birth.

It can, and it should if you want to not just survive but thrive through pregnancy and childbirth.
Prenatal Yoga Toddler


Mentally preparing for childbirth may subject you to more than a positive birth experience, including, but not limited to, improved sleep, reduced stress, an easier labor, a faster recovery, and blissfully bonding with your baby.

Imagine if...

You knew exactly what to do and remember in this season with grace and clarity.

  • You could truly achieve peace of mind before birth for you & your baby— without mind-altering drugs or hours of therapy.

  • You had a guide for what and how much to do without going crazy or scrolling aimlessly for hours

  • You didn’t have to rely on luck to hear real uplifting birth experiences, read words that instill comfort, or have a plan that helps ease your mind.

This comprehensive natural birth prep kit includes

  • The only 3 steps you need to know to give birth without failing.

  • 30 affirmations to give your mind a boost every trimester.

  • Positive Birth Stories that inspire.

  • Brain Training Exercises to remain calm on the inside.

  • 5 complete prenatal yoga practices to help you relax.

  • My personal Postpartum Care Plan so you don't have to worry about what comes next.

  • BONUS: Common pregnancy discomforts and their yogic prescription

If your healthy pregnancy plan isn't grounded in strengthening your mind muscle

you're likely missing out on what really matters beyond giving birth.

So what would it look like if you could approach motherhood with a clear headspace? A mind that knows without a doubt that you're ready...
Easy Labor Happy Baby

Hi, I'm Jennica.

Your Mindset Mentor and Pregnant Yoga Teacher

I have two boys (ages 1, 3) and a little girl due in March. Each new baby reminds me that I am more than capable of giving birth without regret or feeling like you failed- this is REAL natural childbirth. Psst...You can too!

Relaxed Pregnancy

Raydiance Clarke

"I started when I was 12 weeks pregnant and kept coming back because of Jennica's energy, the dialogue during each class, and how I felt after. It's a great experience that helps calm those Mommy to be jitters. It just feels right 🤗 for my baby and I!"

My midwife once told me most women

would be panicking in the same situation but I prefer to be positive.

When you’re anxious, stressed, or impatient your body will know and actually stall. Let me help! I came up with a system that helps you relax and breathe easier every day leading up to your birth!
Relaxed pregnant women just before labor

Here's exactly what's inside:

  • 1

    Motivation and Encouragement

    • 3 Steps to Give Birth without Failing.

    • How to stick with it even when you're exhausted.

    • The Secret to connecting with your body and baby.

    • How to open up beautifully without medication

  • 2

    Relax and Breathe Easier with Prenatal Yoga

    • I am Active. I am Sane. I am not Alone (Props: Pillow, Mat, and Chair)

    • I trust my baby and my body (Props: Yoga Ball & Strap)

    • Brain Training for Birth: Replace Fear with Courage (Props: Mat and pillow)

    • Set Yourself up for a Good Night's Sleep (Props: Pillow, Mat, and Chair)

    • Relax and gently help baby descend (Props: 3 pillows and wall)

  • 3

    Positive Birth Stories

    • Veteran Mom's Amazing Hospital Birth

    • First Time Mom's Lesson in Letting Go

    • My Peaceful Homebirth Waterbirth

  • 4

    Mind Boosts for Birth

    • 30 Birth Affirmations to Empower You

    • Gain Comfort and Strength during Pregnancy

    • My Personal Postpartum Care Guide

  • 5

    Bonus: Common pregnancy discomforts and their yogic prescription

    • 5 Common Pregnancy Changes Workbook

    • 5 Common Pregnancy Changes and their Yogic Prescription

And for just $65...

You can get everything you need to clear your mind again and again to keep showing up relaxed for your baby.

It’s your action plan, it’s your inspiration, and it’s your instruction manual for you to have a positive birth experience (And joyful guide for motherhood)
Relaxed Pregnant Moms with Toddlers Yoga

Don't worry!

If for whatever reason after you complete the course, you're not in a better state of mind within 30 days, simply shoot me a note and I'll refund you. I will give you a 100% money-back guarantee.

My Promise to You

As long as you're on your motherhood journey, you'll have plenty of opportunities to put these mindset tools to use.

  • Babies are both exhilarating and terrifying, so whenever you find yourself in a tizzy, take 5 minutes to calm yourself down with the breathing techniques we practiced together.

  • Making tough decisions for your baby doesn't stop after you give birth, but you can always know you made the right decision when you put it to the test using our system.

  • On days you feel depleted, then turn to your postpartum care guide for inspiration long after you give birth.

Post Birth Bliss

Geneva Winans

After I gave birth, I was stressed out as a new Mom and Jennica welcomed me with open arms. She helped me improve my self-care. She inspires me to connect and rejoice with the environment and those around me."


  • How much and long does it take?

    Your investment for the right mindset for birth is only $65. Choose to put to use all or some of the tools based on your needs. There are over 3 hours of videos, 1 hour of audio, and 3 how-to guides to help you relax and relieve pain naturally.

  • Why only $65? What's the catch?

    We know you are saving money for baby and want this to be a no-brainer. Plus, if you really enjoy "Get Zen Before Birth", some of you may be inspired to join us for my magical "Joshua Tree Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training."

  • This sounds great but I’m only 6 weeks pregnant. Is it too early to prepare for birth? I don’t want to jinx it.

    I completely understand. The beauty of this training is once you invest, you'll have access for a lifetime and there is a maternal mental health component that can benefit us all. I would definitely not let you being so early in your pregnancy stop you as it can only enhance your motherhood journey.

  • I'm 41 weeks pregnant. Is it too late?

    Absolutely not. These flows, affirmations, and birth stories will help you the most because you are ready to put them to use. Plus, the techniques you learn will continue to benefit you long after you give birth.

  • I am definitely interested but my schedule is full. Will I have time?

    One thing I know is this: when this is all over, the ones who make it out stronger are going to be the ones who committed to showing up for themselves, even when time was limited. AND THOSE WHO CHOOSE TO STAY TOO BUSY, WELL—WANT MY HONEST OPINION? Their kids are the ones who will suffer the most.