Gain proven relaxation techniques in birth partnership from a down-to-earth couple who...

...meets you where and when you want. Join from your home any day of the week to prepare you both for your best birth experience.

We gave birth naturally in a hospital

because he was prepared too.

My plan was to trust my baby and my body. I had read every pregnancy book, practiced yoga daily, and even hired a doula. My husband's unwavering support made the REAL difference. He understood what was going on and knew how to comfort me.
natural hospital birth

How ready is your birth partner?

If your answer is "haha, not very. I bought The Birth Partner book, but I'm the only one that's opened it so far." And you'd love to have a virtual class that you could do together, then you're in the right place.
The Birth Partner Book

With Labor Together, there is no need to

  • Force your partner to read a conventional birth book.

  • Spend hundreds of dollars on a childbirth education course that isn't geared towards a low/no intervention birth.

  • Find a class at a time that works for both of you.

  • Leave the comfort of your home.

  • Do anything other than clear your schedule for an hour!

Your convenient-for-you-both workshop includes:

  • The stages of labor in a way that isn't medical or overwhelming.

  • Natural ways to help her induce and speed labor up

  • 6-labor poses you can do together so your partner's not just sitting and watching.

  • How to protect her from being disturbed during serious labor.

  • Non-drug techniques to help ease her labor pains.

  • Our first unmedicated hospital birth story from my husband's perspective.

Relaxed for Labor

Tyler and April

As a Marine I was very skeptical on going to a yoga session with my wife. I'm very uptight in nature but being in a very open and welcoming atmosphere really helped me loosen up and learn to relax not only with myself but with my wife. Just that one session really showed me how easy it is or how little effort it takes to help make my wife comfortable.

Ready for Baby

Emily and Cameron

We both left feeling relaxed, connected, and excited for the future. We learned a lot but more importantly left with a newly heightened spiritual connection that was desperately needed before bringing another new life into the world. We are both so thankful for Jennica and her class!

Here's exactly what's inside:

  • 1

    Birth Partnership Essentials

    • 4-page Prenatal Partner Manual to know how to actually help in the birthing room

    • Our hospital natural birth story from his perspective to help boost your partner's confidence.

    • The role of hormones in birth to know how to naturally speed up labor

    • Physical activity rather than just listening to gain a better understanding of the stages of labor

    • 6 partner labor poses you can do together (Recommended Props: Chair, Scarf/towel, and wall)

    • Entire 70 minute Workshop if you prefer to watch it all at once

    • Fill-in-the-blank Action Plan so he has a personalized to you reference for what he can do during labor

    • Birth Partner's Tactical Plan to know exactly how to help

    • Couples Meditation to help you deeply relax and connect with each other and your baby before giving birth

    • Birth Glossary so your partner knows what's going on

  • 2

    Bonus: Let's talk about sex baby!

    • How much and how soon is safe before and after giving birth

Psst! You’ll not only gain tips to labor together…

We’ll also throw in a must-have bonus for expecting couples:

  • Sex After Birth

    Our best sex tips your partner needs to hear today to help speed your labor and recovery. You won't get this raw perspective at a hospital or pregnancy center.

Don't worry!

We give you a 100% money-back guarantee because we're confident this will help you prepare for birth. But if for whatever reason, you and your partner aren't any more ready, shoot us an email within 30 days and we'll fully refund your money. No questions asked.

Baby is coming.

Sleep well tonight knowing you did everything you could to prepare you and your partner for an easy labor.